Instagram User And Demographics
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1 billion,Number of monthly active users on Instagram
500 million,Number of daily active users on Instagram
80%,Percentage of Instagram users who are outside the U.S
39%,Percentage of U.S. women who use Instagram
30%,Percentage of U.S. men using Instagram
59%,Percentage of U.S. Instagram users under the age of 30
72%,US Teenagers who use Instagram
34%,Percentage of millennial users on Instagram
38%,People who check Instagram multiple times a day
57%,Percentage of Instagram users who access the app daily
68%,Percentage of female users on Instagram
95%,Percentage of Instagrammers who use YouTube
31%,Percentage of American women using Instagram
24%,Percentage of American men using Instagram
60%,Percentage of adults who have Instagram accounts
17%,Percentage of desktop traffic that comes from the U.S
90%,Percentage of Instagram users who are under 35
5%,The number of accounts which a single Instagram user can toggle between
25%,Percentage of smartphone users who use Instagram
375 million,The number of people using Instagram’s direct feature
42%,Instagram users who earn more than $75K/year
59%,Percentage of users who are aged between 18-29 years
120.3 million,Estimated monthly active users in the US by 2020
87%,Percentage of Americans who are aware of Instagram
14%,Percentage of drivers who admitted that they check Instagram while driving
70%,Percentage of users who watch Instagram Stories everyday
80%,Percentage of daily active users who check Stories just as often as their feed
323 million, Number of followers of Instagram on Instagram [Source]
Instagram Usage Stats
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32 minutes,Average time spent by users who are below 25 on Instagram
24 minutes,Average time spent by users who are above 25 on Instagram
4.2 billion ,Number of posts published on Instagram each day
400 million,Number of Stories posted on Instagram each day
53 minutes ,Average time spent by a user on Instagram
60 million,Number of photos posted on Instagram everyday
#Love,The most popular hashtag on Instagram
20x,Engagement rates on Instagram compared to Facebook (Source)
50x,Engagement rates on Instagram compared to Twitter
147 millon, Number of users following Cristiana Ronaldo (highest as of Nov 2018)
11 million ,Number of likes for Beyonce’s pregnancy announcement (the most liked post on Instagram)
40 billion,The number of photos and videos shared on Instagram till date
2x,Instagram usage growth in the past two years
8%,Percentage of fake accounts on Instagram
29.90%,Inactive accounts on Instagram
Pizza,The most popular Instagrammed food
3-60 seconds,Average length of Instagram videos
Tuesday 2 PM,The best time to post on Instagram
Red heart <3,The most used emoji on Instagram
Jakarta,The most used location tag on Instagram Stories
32,The maximum number of people you can add in a group message on Instagram Direct
Sunday ,Day of the week with the least engagement on Instagram
Thursday,Day of the week with the most engagement on Instagram
25%,Percentage of single video ads on Instagram
28%,Annual growth in Instagram Ads in 2017
79%,Percentage increase in engagement on posts that have a tagged location
70%, Percentage of Instagram posts that are getting unnoticed due to the new algorithm change
Clarendon,The most used filter on Instagram
Valencia ,The most used nature filter on Instagram
Kelvin , The most used fashion filter on Instagram
Skyline,The most used food filter on Instagram
Normal,The most used selfie filter on Instagram
50%,Percentage of Instagram captions & comments that contain emojis
2666,The number of different emoji options on Instagram
63%,Percentage of Finnish users who use emojis in their posts
Single red heart,The most shared emoji on Instagram
49380,Number of photos posted per minute in June 2018
55 million,Photos and videos posted every day on Instagram
5x,Likes received by female Instagram users compared to men
114k,The number of banned hashtags on Instagram
883, Average number of Instagram photos uploaded per second
40%, Percentage Instagram users creating videos via Stories every day
5 million, Number of videos posted on Instagram within 24 hours after introduction
3X, Comments garnered by sponsored Instagram videos compared to sponsored photos
Instagram Business Statistics
[table th=”0″]
71%,Percentage of American businesses who are on Instagram
25 million,The number of business profiles on Instagram
60%,Percentage of users who discover new products on Instagram
90%,Percentage of top 100 brands that have an account on Instagram
80%,Percentage of Instagram users who follow atleast one business
73%,Brands which post atleast one photo or video per month
54%,Brands which promote their Instagram pages using the Custom tab on Facebook
163%,Growth in number of brands with over 100K followers in two years
78%,Percentage of Influencers who prefer Instagram for brand collaborations
70%,Percentage of hashtags that are branded
60%,Percentage users who said they learned about a product or a service from Instagram
96%,Percentage of American fashion brands on Instagram
32%,US teens who listed Instagram as their most important social network
85%,Share of Instagram revenue from the US
65%,Percentage of top performing Instagram posts that feature products
72%,Percentage of users who had bought a product they saw on Instagram
$7 billion ,Projected revenue for Instagram in 2018
33.75%,Percentage of Instagram users who engaged with a company after seeing their post
$10 billion,Projected revenue of Instagram Ads for 2019
2 million,The number of advertisers on the Instagram
33%,Percentage of marketers who have invested assets in Instagram Ads
53%,Percentage users who follow their favourite brand on Instagram
49%,Percentage of small business owners who are using Instagram
53%,Percentage of marketers who plan to increase their spendings on Instagram ads
$2.23,Average Cost-per-Install (CPI) on Instagram ads
60%,Percentage of top brands who use the same filter on each of their posts
38%,Percentage likes garnered by Instagram posts with faces
$2.40,Average of Cost Per Click (CPC) on Instagram
$3.56,Average CPC rate in US which is among the highest in the world
$1.48,Average CPC rate of Instagram ads in Japan
9,The number of hashtags considered to be most optimal for Instagram
2,Instagram ranking among the most used messaging apps